Monday, September 19, 2011

Bad News

Well, we took Bailey to the doctor today because of her cough. Her regular asthma medicines were not improving the cough. The doctors response was not something I was expecting at all. We have two choices.......
1) Whooping cough-results come back probably Wednesday
2) She is allergic to Ace
Either of these choices are not options I want. If it is whooping cough we all have to be treated and presently Bailey can't go back to school until we get the results. Or we have to give Ace away. Gina will not take him back, so I just have a huge pit in my stomach. It will just break Bailey's heart if we have to give him away. Either way not good. However, if you are reading this and know of someone who wants a dog. Please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Maybe the dr. will come up with a 3rd (and very minor) option. I hope she feels better soon!
