Saturday, September 24, 2011

Husky Game

Today Jason took Maddie on a date to Husky Stadium. He has been talking about is with her for quite some time. They had a great day. She loved riding the bus, and getting spoiled by dad all day long. Jason texted on the way home that it was one of the best days ever.

Goodbye and Hello

We said goodbye to Ace on Thursday night. It was a VERY VERY hard night. The entire family was in tears and I ended up having a slumber party with the girls because they needed extra cuddles. They are still missing him, I know we only had him for a little while, but the girls have known him for almost 3 years. He was a great dog for our family and he will be truly missed. We love you Ace.

On Friday I got to meet my new nephew, Lucas Scott. He came in at 9 pounds and a pure joy. He is adorable and mom did a great job. Here is a quick pic of the proud Grandma, isn't my mom looking good!

The Sanderson Family-Claire LOVED the baby. When I got to hold him first, because I was racing home, she said, "Give me my baby back!" It was adorable. Baby Lucas will be loved. I can't wait to spend more time with him.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Bad News

Well, we took Bailey to the doctor today because of her cough. Her regular asthma medicines were not improving the cough. The doctors response was not something I was expecting at all. We have two choices.......
1) Whooping cough-results come back probably Wednesday
2) She is allergic to Ace
Either of these choices are not options I want. If it is whooping cough we all have to be treated and presently Bailey can't go back to school until we get the results. Or we have to give Ace away. Gina will not take him back, so I just have a huge pit in my stomach. It will just break Bailey's heart if we have to give him away. Either way not good. However, if you are reading this and know of someone who wants a dog. Please let me know.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

First Goal

Bailey scored her first goal in her game today. She actually scored two, but Jason got this one on tape.

Hopefully many more to come.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Preschool and Soccer

Maddie had her first day of preschool on Thursday. She LOVED it and really wishes that she could go everyday, now that Bailey is going everyday. Hannah is going to school with her on Thursdays. It is nice to have a special friend at school.
We love having Teacher Tammy again, she is the best!

Today was Bailey's first soccer game. Ace wanted to join in the fun as we kept taking pictures of Bailey.

All dressed up and ready to go. She had a blast. EXTREMELY worn out after two games. She did have fun though.

Friday, September 2, 2011


After a lot of discussion and thought, Bailey started school yesterday at my school in Kelso. It is an all day every day kindergarten program and there are only 22 kids in her class which is much lower than the school she was supposed to go to. She was super excited and I loved having her in class. Quick stop at Starbucks for a special doughnut for the BIG kindergartner.
Her friend Emery is in her class at school.

This is Mrs. Long, her teacher. Bailey just put her arm right around her for the picture.

Ready to get right to work.

At the end of the day she said, "Man that was a LONG day, I might need a nap mom." She didn't get one, because we were off to soccer practice.