Saturday, January 29, 2011


We are down to one fish. Only Spring has survived and I kind of think he is bully. We will see if we get anymore. We watched Addy and Griffin on Tuesday night. The girls had a blast. Jason held Griffin almost the entire time, I think he enjoyed having another man in the house. Here are the girls eating a little jello from the jello-mold Nana Judy sent in the mail.
Here are the girls on the steps. It is so adorable because whenever Addy comes over she has to put on this purple tu-tu. She loves it and never wants to take it off. Everyone wanted a slumber party. I am sure that will happen one day in the future.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Newest addition to the family.....

We are happy to announce three new members to the family-our goldfish, the dog fell through and this is a happy second choice. They were named by the kids-Maddie has Oink, the all orange one-Bailey had Spring-the one with black, and Jason (my last kid) has Slugger, the one with white. We will see how long they last. Right now they are a HUGE hit. Last week Maddie was sick all week long, so we spent lots of time in the house. Bailey and I played a little Pretty Pretty Princess from Aunt Bec.

On Sunday Papa Pat had his 60th birthday party. Bailey and Jason had a really fun day in Snohomish. She came home with these flamingo sunglasses and wore them all day long. She is such a super star.
Today was rain boots day at school so they could jump in the puddles. Bailey loves to pose so I took a few pics.
Maddie is feeling better now, and I hope nobody else catches that bug.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Children's Museum

On Saturday we met up with the Sanderson crew at the Portland Children's Museum. The kids had a blast as can be expected. It was a perfect activity for a rainy day.
The girls posed for a quick photo. Claire is walking all over the place now.
Making some lunch together
Vet in training
Didn't even know that this dig place was here the last time I went.
Loving Story Time
Last but not least..... we finished at the stage and Jacob was the star!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Just Dance!

~Our Version of Just Dance~

Monday, January 3, 2011

We spent the last few days down at the beach house relaxing, playing some hide and seek, playing on the beach, and most importantly visiting Dad. He is such a trooper and getting better every day. He looks amazing! LOVE that man. While down there, the huskies had their bowl game against Nebraska and came out on top. The girls and had a blast cheering them on.
Watching the game with Dad. He LOVED his little Husky fans.
We told the girls to do their cheer, it ended up more like a song....but still adorable.

The Coquille River Light House.

Happy New Years From the Castro Castle