Monday, April 25, 2011

Princess Party

My baby is 3! I can't believe it. She is growing up sooooooo quickly. She had a princess party on Saturday.....royal attire was encouraged. Nana Lyn was by far the best dressed grown up there. We had Cinderella and Snow White at the party.

Addy was Belle..... Jacob started as a they are making silly faces.
Johnny was a king and princess Claire was adorable.

Jacob turned in to a Prince to protect all these princesses.

Helen and Hannah had on their beautiful crowns, while Bailey wore a ballet tutu....I'll tell you about that one later.....rather than show you.
Beautiful aunt Julie and Nana Lyn

Here is my adorable little princess with my attempt at a Cinderella cake.

After playing in the back we did sidewalk chalk in the was finally a beautiful day.

The highlight for Bailey was Zoey came with aunt Julie. I think fun was had by all.

Maddie Jay you are loved!