We had a rough weekend at our house with this stomach bug. Trust me you don't want me to share the ugly details. Especially if you have a queasy stomach. My hope is that everyone will be 100% by Wednesday, because I am READY to go to work. I know, can you believe it? I want to go to work and stop doing laundry.
Anyways, it is the small things in life that make me smile. My Dad saved my life today. I was having a horrible morning: realized I have pink eye, pee everywhere in Maddie's bed, and Bailey still had an upset tummy. I was frustrated about having to go to the doctor. My dad (hero of the day) called in a prescription for me. One less thing to do with two kids. Then he knows how much I HATE eye drops. I CAN'T do it by myself. I am like Jennifer Aniston on that episode of Friends if any of you watched that one. Therefore, super hero dad called in an ointment for me. YIPPEE for ointments and not eye drops. Now I won't have to bug Jason at school to make him put them in my eyes.
Another small joy in life. I found these cool websites: Frugal Living NW, Fabulessly Frugal, and Frugal Chic Living. I added some of them to my blog list. They are all about being frugal. If any of you know me, I am definitely frugal. It has given me something to do while trapped in the house over the weekend. They give you ideas of ways to get things either free or really cheap. They do all the research, but you do have to be organized. You just have to link you club card, or Freddy's card to get e-coupons. This way they do all the work and I get the savings. I went to Freddy's today. I know with pink eye (yuck). I had to get out of the house. I saved $30.00 in coupons. I bought 4 boxes of Wheaties for free and then got $4.00 for my next shopping trip. I usually get groceries at Freddy's, but these blogs also have Safeway, Target, Rite Aid, and Albertson's deals as well. Hope you enjoy free things as much as I do.
Oh and side note, Maddie is doing wonderful without her Pie-A. I would have never guessed. She doesn't ask for it or anything. She falls asleep wonderfully. She is such a big girl.
Hope you are all feeling better soon! And good job Maddie! Also, thanks for the websites-you know i like a deal!