Saturday, April 10, 2010

I want to be just like big sister.

Being the youngest of 4 girls, I understand how Maddie wants to be just like her big sister. I always wanted to do whatever my sisters were doing. I wanted to be just like them. I was lucky enough to have sisters that let me tag along. Recently Bailey has really been into sliding down the stairs on a blanket.....over and over again.....laughing the entire time. Therefore, little sister wants to see what all the fun is about.

Notice Maddie's blanket (a rug from Bailey's doll house).

It was so cute....every time she would straighten the blanket out (just like big sister), get all ready and then laugh the whole way down (just like big sister). Jason and I laughed forever watching the two of them slide down the stairs.....together. I think Bailey is going to be a great big sis.


  1. Poor Maddie...Hers needs a biggger blanket!
    Jacob wants to slide down those stairs
