After getting a call from the babysitter that Maddie fell at preschool and knocked a tooth out and has a couple of bad cuts on her face, my day truly began ...we tried the pediatric clinic first. She fell asleep on me and wouldn't let me take a picture at first.

When the pediatrician looked at her, he said we had to go to the ER. So almost and hour later we headed to the ER. I think this is the saddest picture I have ever seen. Other than this she was great. She only cried if we talked about it.

After getting checked in at the ER. We waited in this room for over an hour and she slept on me the entire time.

Here she is waiting for her medicine to put her to sleep. The worst part of Maddie's day was getting the IV. Once they did the IV she was fine with the oxygen and blood pressure cuff.

After 8 stitches and waking up, throwing up, and eating a popsicle. We headed home about 6 hours after she fell. She didn't enjoy the meds, and threw up again on the car ride home.

Here she is after her Popsicle in the car. I was and still am so proud of her.
To sum up my kids, when Bailey saw her she started crying and said, "I feel so bad I couldn't protect her. I would give anything to trade places with her and make it me that had stitches." Maddie's response, "Bailey I'm not even crying." I could not love my two daughters more.
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