Saturday, June 2, 2012


Well to start off with, during the month of May, I lost my phone, therefore the lack of posting.  Man I feel like everything was easier when I had my phone. I am secretly hoping it will just show up tomorrow, but I don't think that is going to happen. A LOT has happened this month, A LOT!
To start off with Jason finished his high school coaching season.  It was a very bittersweet month baseball wise. This is his last high school season at R A Long.  He is going to assist at LCC next year.  We are all excited for the change.  Here is a picture of the girls at Jason's last league game.

 We also said our farewells to the Lumberyard.  The girls are VERY sad to say goodbye, especially Bailey, it has been the field she has watched games at for as long as she can remember.  She keeps asking Dad if she can go to his field and hit balls.  I think she is as sad about leaving the Lumberyard at Jason is.  We have  had many many amazing memories with the Lumberjacks, I can't wait to see what new memories we can make.
On a positive note for his high school season, Jason was voted coach of the year for his league!  Congrats coach, you are amazing! I can't wait to see what you can do at the college level.
For Mother's Day we spent a gorgeous day at the beach.  It was windy, but just what we all needed.
Bailey wrote, "I Love Mom" in the sand. Yes they are in their swimming suits.  Jason and the girls went in the water, yes they are crazy.  That is why I love them.
Maddie finished preschool, and had a little celebration night.   This is our last year at Sonshine preschool.  Maddie will be going to a new preschool next year.  We LOVE LOVE LOVE teacher Tammy. It makes me cry a little every time I think about not seeing Tammy.  She had loved my girls for the last 4 years.  She is a huge part of them and she will be greatly missed.

Bailey had her hip hop performance this week.  She had fun and danced her little heart out.  Mom was a little worn out after 2 school nights of 3 hour rehearsals.  However, Bailey was still smiling and that is all that matters. I will try to get videos up of both Bailey dancing and Maddie singing in her preschool celebration. Super fun that Nana and Papa made it up for her show!

Last but not least we have one more weekend left of soccer.  This season was much more enjoyable for me.  I literally watched 4 practices from my car while it was pouring down rain.  Bailey still wants to do it again in the fall.  So I would say it was another successful season.  She played 2 games today and scored a goal in each of them.  Here are the girls watching while their friends are playing.

Here is the team at halftime! Love these kiddos!